This year Nick and I have been feeling very ambitious about growing our own plants. We thought we would give it a try and we were amazed at how great it felt to see our hard work pay off! Anyway, I say this because we are so excited to start a full garden this summer and even though it might not turn out as we hope, we will at least be able to say we attempted it!
As of right now, our yard is a disaster. I am not kidding. It's gross. I can't even stand to look at it sometimes and that's AFTER I have spent a lot of time cleaning it up! We don't own the house we are currently in so we have had a landlord (well his granddaughter actually) do most of the yard work. Now she lives an hour away so you can imagine how much things get done. Last year I think the grass got mowed three times...seriously. So this year we have asked the landlord if he would be willing to let us do most of it and he agreed, gratefully. He even said "do whatever you feel will make the yard look better". He even told us that he would be willing to pay for the materials!
weet! :D
Anyway, there is some hope for us because we are seeing things like this.

And we are growing things like these.

Now imagine 12 big windowsills lined up just like that all over our house and you can get a picture of what we are dealing with! :)
Here is where our garden is going. It used to be the landlord's wood pile (it's a mess now). We plan on cleaning it up this week so that we can get a good start on our raised beds.

We hope to have one flower bed and one vegetable bed. We hope that they will do well but, like I said, we haven't quite developed our green thumbs yet! We are still working on it!
Well, that being said, it will be interesting to see how our yard looks at the end of the summer. I do know that something as simple as mulch can make a yard look a lot better so I am going to start there (after I pull the weeds and till the dirt beneath the plants). If you want, I can keep you updated! :)
Until later, have a great night!